Friday, January 9, 2009

dishcloth knitted pattern

Materials required: 1 ball dishcloth cotton & appropriate needles
K -- Knit K2tog -- Knit two stitches together K-FB -- Knit into the front of the next stitch and, before removing it from the needle, knit into the back of the same stitch SKP -- Slip one stitch knit-wise, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over Turn -- Put the stuff in your right hand into your left hand and the stuff that used to be in your left hand into your right hand Pick up -- Insert right hand needle from front to back into side of previous layer between two garter bumps, wrap the yarn around the needle and pull a stitch through
Directions:Very loosely, cast on 24 stitches.Bottom Triangle:
K 1, turn,
K 1, turn.
K 2, turn,
K 2, turn.
K 3, turn,
K 3, turn.
K 4, turn,
K 4, turn.
K 5, turn,
K 5, turn.
K 6, turn,
K 6, turn.
K 7, turn,
K 7, turn.
K 8, do not turn.
Repeat the directions for the Bottom Triangle twice more – three triangles in total.
They look a little twisted right now. Don’t worry; they’ll sort themselves out as you go along.
Turn and make an Increasing Side Triangle.
Increasing Side Triangle:
K 1, turn,
K-FB, turn.
K 1, SKP, turn,
K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 2, SKP, turn,
K 1, K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 3, SKP, turn,
K 2, K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 4, SKP, turn,
K 3, K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 5, SKP, turn,
K 4, K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 6, SKP, turn,
K 5, K-FB, K 1, turn.
K 7, SKP, do not turn.
Now make a Square.
Pick up 8 stitches along the side of the previous row, turn.
* K 8, turn, K 7, SKP, turn. *Repeat between the *s another seven times, but do not turn at the end of the eighth repeat.
Make another Square, and then a Decreasing Side Triangle.
Decreasing Side Triangle:
Pick up 8 stitches along the side of the previous row, turn,
K 8, turn.
K 6, K2tog, turn,
K 7, turn.
K 5, K2tog, turn,
K 6, turn.
K 4, K2tog, turn,
K 5, turn.
K 3, K2tog, turn,
K 4, turn.
K 2, K2tog, turn,
K 3, turn.
K 1, K2tog, turn,
K 2, turn.
K2tog, turn.
You are left with one stitch on the left hand needle. Transfer it to the right-hand needle. Pick up a further 7 stitches down the side of the previous row so you have 8 stitches in total, turn, and continue with the directions for Square.
Make two more Squares.
Continue adding layers in a similar manner. The next layer will be Increasing Triangle, two Squares, then Decreasing Triangle.
The next layer will be three Squares.
The next series will be Increasing Triangle, two Squares, then Decreasing Triangle.
Now it is time to make triangles along the top. Transfer the remaining stitch to your right hand needle and proceed with Top Triangle.
Top Triangle:
Pick up 7 stitches along the side of the previous row, turn.
K 6, K2tog, turn,
K 6, SKP, turn
K 5, K2tog, turn,
K 5, SKP, turn
K 4, K2tog, turn,
K 4, SKP, turn
K 3, K2tog, turn,
K 3, SKP, turn
K 2, K2tog, turn,
K 2, SKP, turn
K 1, K2tog, turn,
K 1, SKP, turn
K2tog, turn,
SKP.K 1 and pass the second stitch on the right-hand needle over the first.
You are left with one stitch on the right-hand needle.
Make 2 more Top Triangles, fasten off last stitch and weave in ends.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crochet Shrug

This shrug looks so simple I have been dieing to whip one up, but I just haven't taken the time to yet. One day... DIY Network Crochet Shrug


Red Heart Super Saver (#254, Pumpkin) crochet hook, US size P darning needle

Gauge: dc, ch 1, dc = 1-1/8"

Abbreviations: ch chain dc double crochet sl st slip stitch tog together

Ch 34 (or an odd number wide enough to go around the largest part of the arm) (figure A) (figure B).

Photo Figure A Photo Figure B

Row 1: Dc in the 4th ch from the hook, ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch, *ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in the next ch,* repeat from * across (figure C). Ch 4, turn.

Row 2: (Note: Ch 4 serves as first dc and ch 1.) Skip ch, dc in the next dc, *ch 1, skip ch, dc in the next dc,* repeat from * across. When you reach the end, skip 1 ch, dc in the 2nd ch. Ch 4, turn. Repeat Row 2 to work 50 rows total. Ch 1. (Note: Do not end off.)

Photo Figure C Photo Shrug (detail)

PHOTO Figure D
Forming the sleeves of the shrug: Fold the piece in half lengthwise. Line up the row, and sc tog across 16 rows (figure D). Ch 1, and end off. Join yarn at opposite end with a sl st, ch 1, sc across 16 rows to close. Ch 1, end off.

Finishing: Hide ends.

Crochet Shrug

I would love to make this in a light blue bamboo yarn. MODA-DEA Crochet One Button Bolero Crochet Hook: 5mm [US H-8]. 2 Stitch markers, yarn needle, button, sewing needle and thread.

GAUGE: 6 repeats of "sc, ch 3" = 4"; 12 rows = 4" in pat. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

To Fit Bust: 30-32 (34-36, 38-40)". Finished Bust: 32 1/2 (34 1/2, 36 1/2)".

SPECIAL ABBREVIATION: Cluster (cl) = [holding back last lp on hook, dc in next st] twice, yo and draw through all 3 lps on hook. FRONT (Make 2): Ch 13 (17, 21). Row 1 (Right Side for Left Front; Wrong Side for Right Front): Sc in 5th ch from hook, [ch 3, skip next 3 ch, sc in next ch] 2 (3, 4) times; turn – 3 (4, 5) lps. Row 2 (Increase): Ch 4, sc in first ch-3 lp, ch 3, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in last lp, ch 3, sc in 2nd ch of ch-5; turn – 4 (5, 6) lps. Row 3: Ch 4, sc in first lp, ch 3, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in 2nd ch of ch-4 ch; turn. Row 4 (Increase): Ch 4, sc in first lp, ch 3, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in last lp, ch 3, sc in 2nd ch of ch-4; turn – 5 (6, 7) lps. Rep Rows 3 and 4 eight more times – 13 (14, 15) lps. Next Row: Rep Row 3. Mark beg of this row for Left Front; mark end of this row for Right Front. Next 3 Rows: Rep Row 3. Next Row (Decrease): Ch 4, skip first lp, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in 2nd ch of ch-4; turn – 12 (13, 14) lps. Rep last 4 rows 7 (8, 9) more times – 5 lps at shoulder. Rep Row 3 twice more. Fasten off. BACK: Ch 93 (97, 101). Row 1 (Right Side): Sc in 5th ch from hook, * ch 3, skip next 3 ch, sc in next ch; rep from * across; turn – 23 (24, 25) lps. Row 2: Ch 4, sc in first lp, ch 3, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in 2nd ch of ch-5; turn. Row 3: Ch 4, sc in first lp, ch 3, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in 2nd ch of ch-4; turn. Rep Row 3 until Back measures same as Fronts to shoulders. Fasten off. SLEEVES: Ch 65 (69, 73). Work same as Back across 16 (17, 18) lps for 4 rows. Next Row (Decrease): Ch 4, skip first lp, * sc in next lp, ch 3; rep from * to last lp; sc in last lp; turn – 15 (16, 17) lps. Rep last row until only one lp remains. Fasten off. FINISHING: Sew shoulder seams. Place center of sleeve tops at shoulder seams and sew in place. Sew side and sleeve seams. Edging-Row 1: With right side facing, attach yarn at marker on Right Front; ch 1, work 40 (42, 44) sc evenly to shoulder seam, 24 (25, 26) sc across back neck, 40 (42, 44) sc down to marker on Left Front; work 33 (35, 37) sc to side seam, 67 (71, 75) sc across Back to next seam, 33 (35, 37) to marker; join with a sl st in first sc; turn – 133 (141, 149) sc between markers. Continue to work only on these sts between markers. Row 2: Ch 3, dc in next sc, 2 dc in next sc, * dc in next sc, [2 dc in next sc] twice **, ch 6, skip next 3 sc, [2 dc in next sc] twice; rep from * to next marker, end at **; turn – 16 (17, 18) ch-6 lps. Row 3: Ch 3, skip first dc, * dc in next 7 dc, ch 3, sc in ch-6 lp, ch 3, skip next dc; rep from * to last 8 sts; dc in next 7 dc, dc in top of ch-3; turn. Row 4: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next 6 dc, * ch 3, (dc, ch 6, dc) all in next sc, ch 3, skip next dc, dc in next 5 dc; rep from * to last 2 sts; dc in last 2 sts; turn. Row 5: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next 5 dc, * ch 3, [cl, ch 3] 4 times all in ch-6 lp, skip next dc, dc in next 3 dc; rep from * to last 3 sts; dc in last 3 sts; turn. Row 6: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next 4 dc, * ch 2, skip next ch-3 lp, [(cl, ch 2, cl) all in next ch-3 lp, ch 2] 3 times, skip next dc, dc in next dc; rep from * to last 4 sts; dc in last 4 sts; turn. Row 7: Ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next 3 dc, * ch 4, sc in next ch-2 lp; rep from * to last 5 sts; ch 4, skip next dc, dc in last 4 sts. Fasten off. Weave in ends. Sew on button opposite a lp you designate as a buttonhole.

Crochet Shrug

MODA-DEA Crochet Bolero

Directions are for size Small; changes for sizes Medium, Large and Extra-Large are in parentheses. MODA DEA™ “Cheri™”: 5 (6, 7, 8) Balls No. 9762, Pink CA. Art.R125 (1.76 ounce/81 yard ball). MODA DEA™ “Curious™”: 3 (4, 5, 5) Balls No. 9547 Mauve CB.Art.R131 (1.76 ounce/78 yard ball). Crochet Hooks: 8mm [US L-11] and 11.5mm [P-16]. Stitch markers, yarn needle; one 1 1/4" button, sewing needle and thread.

GAUGE: 12 sts = 7"; 8 rows = 5" in pat with larger hook. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

To Fit Bust: 30-32 (34-36, 38-40, 42-44)". Finished Bust: 36 (41, 45 1/2, 50)". NOTE: When inc or dec, always beg and end row with a sc. BACK: With larger hook and holding 1 strand of CA and CB tog, ch 32 (36, 40, 44). Row 1 (Right Side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch; rep from * across; turn – 31 (35, 39, 43) sts. Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first sc, ch 1, skip ch-1 sp, sc in next sc; rep from * across; turn. Rep Row 2 for pat until 5 1/2 (6, 6 1/2, 7)" from beg, end wrong side row. Shape Armholes: Sl st in first 3 (3, 5, 5) sts, ch 1, sc in same sc as last sl st, work in pat to last 2 (2, 4, 4) sts; turn – 27 (31, 31, 35) sts. Keeping continuity of pat, dec 1 st each end of next row then every other row 1 (2, 1, 2) times –23 (25, 27, 29) sts. Work even until armholes measure 7 (7 1/2, 7 3/4, 7 3/4)", end wrong side row. Divide for Neck:Work across 5 (6, 6, 7) sts. Fasten off. With right side facing, skip center 13 (13, 15, 15) sts, attach yarn in next st, work to end. Fasten off. FRONT (Make 2): With larger hook and holding 1 strand of CA and CB tog, ch 10 (12, 14, 16). Work same as back over 9 (11, 13, 15) sts. Mark one side "arm edge" and the other side "front opening". Keeping continuity of pat, inc 1 st at "front opening" side every row 6 times –15 (17, 19, 21) sts. Work even in pat until 5 1/2 (6, 6 1/2, 7)" from beg. Armhole and Front Neck Shaping-(Note: Read all directions in this section before beginning.): Keeping continuity of pat, shape armhole same as for back by dec 2 (2, 4, 4) sts at "arm edge" on next row, dec 1 st at same edge on next row then every other row 1 (2, 1, 2) times AND AT THE SAME TIME shape front neck by dec 1 st at "front opening" on next row then at same edge every other row until 5 (6, 6, 7) sts rem. Work even until front is same number of rows as back. Fasten off. SLEEVE (Make 2): With larger hook and holding 1 strand of CA and CB tog, ch 18 (20, 20, 22). Work in pat same as back over 17 (19, 19, 21) sts for 2 rows. Keeping continuity of pat, shape sides by inc 1 st at beg (beg, each end, each end) of next row then inc 1 st at beg (beg, each end, each end) of every 3rd row 3 times – 21 (23, 27, 29) sts. Work even in pat until 9 (9, 9 1/2, 9 1/2)" from beg. Shape Cap: Sl st in first 3 (3, 5, 5) sts, ch 1, sc in same st as last sl st, work in pat to last 2 (2, 4, 4) sts; turn – 17 (19, 19, 21) sts. Dec 1 st each end of next row, then each end of every other row 1 (1, 0, 0) times. Work 1 (1, 3, 3) rows even. Dec 2 sts each end of next 2 rows – 5 (7, 9, 11) sts. Fasten off. FINISHING: Sew shoulder, side and sleeve seams; set in sleeves. Cuff Edging-Rnd 1: With right side facing, 2 strands of CA, and smaller hook, attach yarn at a seam; ch 1, sc around opening; do not join. Rnds 2-4: Sc in each sc around. At end of Rnd 4, sl st in next st. Fasten off. Front Opening Edging: Mark buttonhole position on right front. Rnds 1-3:Work same as Cuff Edging, inc or dec as necessary around shaping to keep work flat and working Buttonhole on Rnd 3 as follows: sc to marker, ch 2, skip 2 sc, sc to end of rnd. Rnd 4: Sc in each sc and ch around; sl st in next sc. Fasten off. Sew button on left front. MODA DEA™ “Cheri™”, Art.R125 (1.76 ounce/81 yard ball). MODA DEA™ “Curious™”, Art.R131 (1.76 ounce/78 yard ball). ABBREVIATIONS: beg = beginning; CA, CB = Color A, Color B; ch = chain; dec = decrease; inc = increase; mm= millimeters; pat = pattern; rem = remaining; rep = repeat; rnd = round; sc = single crochet; sl = slip; st(s) = stitch (es); tog = together; * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated.

Crochet Shrug

Drops Design Drops Crochet Bolero in Cotton Viscose
DROPS Crochet Bolero in Cotton Viscose
" - Delicate bolero for socializing and party, but also a garment to decorate your everyday wear..."
Size: XS/S – S - M – L - XL - XXL Materials: DROPS Cotton Viscose from Garnstudio 200-200-250-250-300-300 g colour no. 11, khaki green and use DROPS Vienna from Garnstudio 50-50-50-50-50 g colour no. 16, moss green DROPS Crochet Hook size 4 DROPS Crochet Hook size 6 (for borders) Max prices as of 05.01.2009: DROPS COTTON VISCOSE - 2.20 GBP per 50 gr skein

Note: This pattern is written in British English. All measurements in charts are in cm. For conversion from cm to inch - click here. There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English. If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here.

Crochet gauge: 17 dtr x 6 rows = 10 x 10 cm Crochet info: At the beginning of each row replace 1 dtr with 4 ch, and finish each row with 1 dtr in 4th ch from beginning of previous row. Crochet in each st and not in between. Decreasing tips (applies to armhole and neck): Dec as follows at beginning of row: replace 1 dtr with a sl st. Dec as follows at end of row: Turn the piece when number of dtr to be dec are left on row and crochet next row. Increasing tips (applies to slope at front): Increase new sts towards mid front by crocheting ch's in last st from previous row. Crochet the same number of ch's as the number of dtr's to be increased, but as the first dtr on next row is to be replaced by 4 ch, replace the last ch with 4 ch, i.e. if you are to increase 5 dtr crochet 8 ch, turn the piece, crochet 1 dtr in 5th ch from the hook and then 1 dtr in each of the remaining ch's, continue on row with 1 dtr in each dtr from previus row. Back piece: Loosely crochet 80-88-99-112-123-136 ch using hook size 4 and Cotton Viscose. Crochet the 1st row as follows: 1 dtr in the 5th ch from the hook, *skip 1 ch, 1 dtr in each of the next 3 ch* repeat from *-* but for size XS + S + L + XXL finish with 1 dtr in the last 2 ch’s (instead of the last 3 ch) and for size M + XL finish with 1 dtr in the last ch (instead of the last 3 ch’s) = 58-64-72-82-90-100 dtr. Now crochet 1 dtr in each dtr from previous row – see Crochet info. At the same time after 2-2-3-3-3-3 rows inc 1 dtr each side by crocheting 1 extra dtr in the last but one dtr each side as follows: Size XS + S + M: on every other row, Size L + XL + XXL: on every 3rd row a total of 5-5-5-4-4-4 times = 68-74-82-90-98-108 dtr. When piece measures approx 20-21-22-23-24-25 cm dec for armhole each side on every other row – see Decreasing tips: 3-3-4-6-7-9 dtr’s 1 time, 2 dtr’s 0-0-1-1-2-3 times and 1 dtr 1-2-3-4-4-4 times = 60-64-64-66-68-70 dtr. When piece measures approx 35-37-39-41-43-45 cm (only 1 row left until finished measurements) crochet 1 row over only the outermost 20-21-21-21-21-22 dtr’s each side (i.e. do not crochet over the middle 20-22-22-24-26-26 dtr’s = neck). Cut the thread, piece measures approx 37-39-41-43-45-47 cm. Left front piece: Loosely crochet 28-29-32-35-37-40 ch using crochet hook size 4 and Cotton Viscose. Crochet the 1st row as follows: 1 dtr in the 5th ch from the hook, *skip 1 ch, 1 dtr in each of the next 3 ch* repeat from *-* but for size XS + M + XXL finish with 1 dtr in the last 2 ch’s (instead of the last 3 ch ) and for size L finish with 1 dtr in the last ch (instead of the last 3 ch’s) = 19-20-22-24-26-28 dtr. Now crochet 1 dtr in each dtr from previous row as for back piece, at the same time inc towards mid front on every other row (i.e. on every row towards mid front) – see Increasing tips: 5 dtr’s 1-1-2-2-2-2 times, 4 dtr’s 1-1-0-0-0-0 times, 3 dtr’s 0-0-0-1-1-2 times, 2 dtr’s 1-2-2-2-3-3 times and 1 dtr 1-1-2-2-2-2 times. At the same time inc at side as for back piece. At the same time when piece measures 20-21-22-23-24-25 cm – compare to back piece – dec for armhole as described for back piece. At the same time when piece measures 26-26-26-28-28-30 cm dec for neckline towards mid front on every row – see Decreasing tips: 7-8-8-9-10-10 dtr’s 1 time, 2 dtr’s 1 time and 1 dtr 3 times = 20-21-21-21-21-22 dtr left on shoulder. When piece measures approx 37-39-41-43-45-47 – compare to back piece – cut the thread. Right front piece: As left front piece but mirrored. Sleeve: Loosely crochet 66-70-74-78-82-86 ch using crochet hook size 4 and Cotton Viscose. Crochet the 1st row as follows: 1 dtr in the 5th ch from the hook, 1 dtr in next ch, *skip 1 ch, 1 dtr in each of the next 3 ch* repeat from *-* = 48-51-54-57-60-63 dtr. Crochet 1-1-2-3-3-4 rows of dtr as before, at the same time inc 1 dtr each side on every other row by crocheting 1 extra dtr in the second but last dtr each side = 50-53-58-63-66-71 dtr. On next row dec for sleeve cap each side on every row – see Decreasing tips: 4 dtr’s 1 time, 3 dtr’s 1 time, and then 2 dtr’s each side until piece measures approx 10-11-13-17-19-21 cm. Cut the thread. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Crochet sleeves to body using crochet hook size 4 and Cotton Viscose as follows: 1 dc in first st on sleeve, 2 ch, 1 dc in first st on back/front piece, 2 ch, 1 dc in dtr on sleeve, 2 ch, 1 dc in dtr on back/front piece etc. Crochet sleeve and side seams together in the same way. Crochet border: Crochet a border round the opening of the bolero (i.e. up along both front pieces, round neck and along lower edge) using crochet hook size 6 and Vienna as follows: 1 dc in first st, *3 ch, skip approx 2.5 cm, 1 dc in next st*, repeat from *-* and finish with 3 ch and 1 sl st in first dc from beginning of round. NB! The border should be nice and even and not wavy. Close the jacket with a brooch of button.


box stich-Crochet

I love making blankets for Project Linus. They send the donated handmade security blankets to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need of one. I have sent a few in to my local chapter coordinator. Their website has a ton of wonderful patterns and ideas for inspiration, but I am always looking to supplement my idea stash. Here is a great simple pattern I found on

Box Stitch Carriage Robe

(Approximate Size: 36" x 45")

Materials: 20 ozs. 4 ply knitting worsted yarn. Solid or variegated.

Crochet Hook Size I or any size needed to obtain gauge

Gauge: 1 Pattern = 1 inch

Chain 100. Work in pattern as follows:

ROW 1: 3 dc in 4th ch from hook, *skip 3 sts, 1 sc in next st, ch 3, 3 dc in same st; repeat from * ending with 1 sc in last st (24 patterns), ch 3, turn.

ROW 2: 3 dc in last sc of previous row, *1 sc over the ch 3, ch 3, 3 dc in same place; repeat from * ending with 1 sc in top of ch 3. Ch 3, turn.

Repeat ROW 2 until 55 rows have been completed. Do not break yarn. Continue in pattern, working across each side and lower edge - work one pattern for each ch of 3 at side and one pattern for each pattern across first row. Fasten off.

Really Cool Pics

Political Cartoons 1

Okay, so on top of organizing my craft life, I am going to use this to orginize and save all of my favorite photos and comics that I have stolen off line over the years. As of yet I don't have many of the sites to credit them to, we'll have to put that under WIPs. If any of them are yours or you know where they are from feel free to let me know!Oh my God Bush is such a dumb ass. It kills me to say that about the president of the United States, but it kills me even more that its true. Born and bread a democrat, but I'm soooo glad Hilory didn't get elected. At the same time, I'd sell my soul to have Bill as prez again, although I doubt my soul is worth much. Becomes truer and truer every day. I know this has been all over the web, but its still wonderful. I think we should start a college fund for this kid. So true. I'd do Bill. One day I mistakinly said I wish I could intern in his office...wasn't thinking, but it's probably true on more than one level. I am a political science student in need of an internship, but I don't think doing this former president would help my career, its kinda cleche at this point. Sometimes you've gotta love people. I really hope this is a joke though. Sad but true. I'm so mad someone beet me to drawing this cartoon!

First Post

I am a college student with a limited budget who loves to craft. I do everything from knitting and crocheting to gluing pop sickle sticks together when the mood strikes me. I would love to get into some of the more fancy stuff and finish some of the projects that I am in the progress of. I am hoping to use this Blog to organize my inspirations, the how-tos that I have found, and keep a list of my unfinished projects. If I can inspire someone else or help someone else get orginized all the better. Hopefully as I get into the swing of things and wrap up college (Graduating in May!) I will be able to actually get some things done. Wish me luck!